Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Day in the Life of...

The day to day of life is interesting. Think about your day - your routine - your commitments - your convos. Think about what makes your day awesome or what can destroy it. Think about the people you interact with on a daily basis - like your parents, brothers, friends, teachers, sisters, youth pastor, etc. Think about your daily life. Do you go to practice every day? Do you read your bible every day? Do you argue with your parents every day? Do you hangout with your girlfriend every day?

Working out at camp, our day to day differs pretty often because we travel so much with our jobs and each season brings a new work schedule, like summer is 8am - midnight and SO FUN! My day to day differs depending on the time of year it is. However, I do have a few daily routines that are a must in my life and time with Jesus is one of those. I need it. I will be moody, mean, and not okay if I have not spent time in the Word. My team knows it, my friends know it, my family knows it. It is easy to tell when I am focused on the day to day for a purpose or if I am allowing ME to be the center of my day, therefore, getting frustrated when the world around me does not see ME as the center. Why would they not want me to be happy? To be first? To be the best? To be the center of their worlds? Why is everyone else not focused on making ME feel good?

This sounds pathetic, right? I get it. I sound like a selfish, mean person which I AM without Jesus. You are too. We all are. And as corny as it may sound, YOU NEED HIM EVERY DAY! You need time with Him more than you need that extra hour of band practice and more than you need that boy in your life - you need time with the guy that actually created you, made you, loves you, died for you. You need it because He deserves your attention and also because it makes your day-to-day purposeful. It makes YOU better, more likable, more like Him.

One of my favorite verses in High School was the one that makes me think of my day to day. Of how every day I want life to be about me but it is not - it is about my Savior. About living for more than me and my own comfort. Turn to 2 Corinthians 4:16 - 18 and write: "ITS NOT ABOUT ME." in the margin.

"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly, we are being renewed DAY BY DAY. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

You are Father, Sustainer, Life-Giver...

He is Father
He is Sustainer
He is Life-giver
He is Creator
He is Grace
He is Mercy
HE IS TRUTH....and hope and joy and our rescue

This video link is something to sit and ponder. Do you believe the words of this poem by Amena Brown? Do you believe He is a friend, a redeemer, a lover, a life giver, goodness, sinless, and all that we need? Do YOU believe in a God that loves you so much that He died for you? You know the truth because you hear it at camp all week long. You see Jesus in your counselors because of the way they love you and pursue you and care about the man/woman you are and are becoming. But...back at home, at you still believe? Do you still trust? Do you still seek the God that created you and wants to know you?

After your thoughts, your comments. What does this make you think about ? What are you doubting?

1 Peter 1:9 says: "YOUR REWARD FOR TRUSTING HIM WILL BE THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOULS." When we trust and have faith. When confess our sins and trust in God - we have the salvation of our souls. We get to live eternally. What a cool God we serve, we trust, we know. Wherever you are - HE IS THERE! You cannot run from Him, you cannot you might as well let HIM find you, sustain you, and give you LIFE....everlastin.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fingers that breakdance!!!

Oh yes, this is funny. No connection to the Bible, but we thought you would enjoy! Over 11 million people viewed it on youtube so it must be worth watching, right?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The OFFICIAL Sky 3 & 4 Blog!

Hello Campers!

Oh, how we miss you around here! Sky Ranch is truly not the same without you zipping down the ziplines, screaming your cheers ("Sac...Sac...Sac...), or running around in camo trying to capture Myrtle, who has taken over camp. We seriously do not know how we can wait 8 months for camp again...

But thankfully, as seasons change, and you have to go back to school, and our counselors are all back on their college campus'...God is still the same. He never changes. Never ceases to be here and with you! What a sweet thing to think about as you are roaming the halls of your junior high's or high school's. God is there with you and HE is begging you to "draw near to Him." One of my favorite verses came up in my bible study this week and I wanted to share it with you: Go to James 4, its in the New Testament. "Draw near to God adn he will draw near to you." - James 4:8. This verse is easy. Draw near to your Saviour, spend time with Him, think about Him, pray and talk to Him, and HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU! There is no do these 12 things or only after you are perfect or only if you are in college...its draw neart to God and he will draw near to you. He is there, here, ready, and wants a personal relationship with each of you- with me!

Wherever you are, whatever your doing, the GOD of the Universe wants a relationship with YOU. Best news ever.

I love you campers so much and am praying for you today! If you know campers that are not following the blog yet - go and find them and tell them to join!