Thursday, April 19, 2012

First World Problems

Ever heard of the hash tag "first world problems"?

People complain about their phones, their computers, when things aren't going their way in a drive-through line, when a store has run out of their favorite candy... whatever.  This is a good one:


I mean seriously Pringles, why shape it that way!?

Hopefully whenever you read some of those, they'll remind you of your priorities, or maybe what should be your priorities.  "First world problems" aren't really problems at all, obviously, but sometimes we have our priorities so mixed up that we let silly little things that won't even matter in an hour affect our entire day.  Where do your priorities lay?

Remember Luke 9:23-26

Jesus demands ALL of you, not just the little things.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

super cool video!

This Video is AMAZING!

A 9 year old created his own card board arcade, this video is about how it became a sensation in Los Angeles.

Cain's Arcade

When was the last time you went all out for something you were passionate about like Mr. Cain here?!  Pretty fun and inspirational I think!